Small world B&W transforms, uitilzing the portable slitscan camera
With the camera on a small CCW rotating table, the backgrounds appear. If a subject aproches, traveling against the camera motion they are very thin. If a subject moves with the camera motion they are thick. And if a subject travels at the same rate they stretched into waves …
I’ve called this gallery TimeSlice because when the camera is fixed, the images are dependant on the motion in front of the camera. This camera was shooting 150 lines every second or 6.6 ms per line. As people ( animals,cars, etc ) passed in front they left their slices behind .
The subjects rotated in front of a stationary slitscan camera.
Images taken from above a rotataing subject. The subjects were laying on a 1meter round table that was rotated once per miniute. A section of the resulting images , usually two or three rotations was mathamaticly transformed to these resulting images.